

Lately, some of my friends have gone vegetarian, either full-time or part-time. Most of them made the switch for health reasons, but they also feel it’s more compassionate toward animals. Seeing this, I became curious about vegetarianism, too. But when I did some research, I realized it’s not as easy as it sounds. Some essential nutrients are only found in animal products, so you’d have to take supplements to get everything you need. Plus, let’s be real—vegetarian meals can sometimes be a little bland and lack the variety of flavors in non-vegetarian dishes. So, I decided to focus on eating more veggies and cutting back on meat instead of going vegetarian for now.

One day, I came across a post in a cooking group on Facebook that really made me think. A woman shared her belief that all living things—even plants—are part of a larger ecosystem. She reminded us that our ancestors lived thousands of years ago by hunting, gathering, and eating both plants and animals, forming a natural food chain: plants → herbivores → carnivores → humans. Her point was that as humans, we’re at the top of that chain, and our role is to respect these resources, cook great meals, and give back to the world in a positive way. This really resonated with me. It inspired me to cook more thoughtfully, use ingredients carefully, and only prepare enough food to nourish myself. But who knows—maybe someday, if I naturally lose my taste for meat, I’ll make the full switch to a vegetarian lifestyle.

